Exec Studio

Elevate Your On-Camera Presence

Exec Studio

Provide Executive studio set at VES events for vistage. We will set up a professionally lit direct-to-camera film in one of the adjacent rooms at Vistage executive summits. Chairs and member companies will book time slots to come by and film thought leadership and any other direct-to-camera hit they can imagine. Ideally, the time slots will be booked before the VES event to allow time for Chairs and Member companies to develop scripts to be loaded and scrolled in our teleprompter.



Chairs and member companies could give a tidbit of information or a piece of knowledge that will entice further engagement.



Introduce yourself, talk about what you do, and how you do it differently. Focusing on their expertise, leadership styles, insights into business growth and management.

Success Stories
& Case Studies


Short stories showcasing the success stories of Vistage members, highlighting the challenges they overcame and the strategies they used.

Leadership &
Management Tips


Short informative content focusing on practical leadership and management tips from experienced Vistage members and chairs.

Trend Analysis & Industry Insights


Create videos that analyze current trends in various industries represented by Vistage members, offering insights and forecasts.



Film testimonials from Vistage member companies discussing the impact Vistage and their chair have had on their personal and professional lives.

Personal Development Stories


Focus on the personal growth and development aspects of being a Vistage member, including work-life balance, personal motivation, and leadership philosophy.

Global Business Perspectives


If applicable, include content that gives insights into global market trends and international business strategies, leveraging the diverse backgrounds of Vistage members.

Optional Add-Ons

What's Included:

Legion_Expert Feedback

Expert Feedback

Our experienced media coaches will review your delivery, offering insightful tips to enhance your speaking style for clarity, engagement, and confidence.

Legion_Script Refinement

Script Refinement

Let's perfect your script together. We'll suggest improvements to ensure your message is compelling and resonates with your audience.

Legion_Technical Coaching

Technical Coaching

Master the art of on-camera communication with advice on posture, eye contact, and effective use of gestures.

Legion_Confidence Boost

Confidence Boost

We aim to empower you, ensuring you step in front of the camera feeling prepared, composed, and ready to make a lasting impression.

Book Your Exec Studio Experiance

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